C++ file:
//Psychlops Code Template // Please visit following web site to get sample codes. // http://psychlops.sourceforge.jp/ja/?StartCode // CodeDresser at following address is also available to view the code. // http://visitope.org/Tools/codedresser.html ///+ 0 Setup Psychlops Circumstances //// 0 Setup Psychlops Circumstances #include
using namespace Psychlops; // Psychlops Win32 1.7.0 / 20150205 ///- 0 Setup Psychlops Circumstances void psychlops_main() { AppInfo::expname = "MullerLyer"; ///+ 1 Declaration ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// 1 Declaration // declare default window and variables for its parameters //Canvas cnvs(500,500, Canvas::window); Canvas cnvs; cnvs.antialiased = true; cnvs.set(800, 600, Canvas::window); double cnvsW = cnvs.getWidth(); double cnvsH = cnvs.getHeight(); //declare local variables around here ///- 1 Declaration ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///+ 2 Initialization ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// 2 Initialization // Set initial values for local variables double CANVAS_REFRESHRATE = cnvs.getRefreshRate(); double CANVAS_FRAMENUM = 0; Psychlops::Color DEFAULT_BG_COLOR(127.0 / 255.0, 127.0 / 255.0, 127.0 / 255.0, 1.0); double font_size = 24; Font::default_font.size = font_size; // Draw Offline images around here Psychlops::Letters L01("ボタン押しで右側の主線の長さを変え、", font_size); Psychlops::Letters L02("2つの主線を同じ長さに見えるように調整してください。", font_size); Psychlops::Letters L03("ボタンを押して次の試行を始める", font_size); Psychlops::Letters L04("調整できたら、「決める」ボタンを押して決定してください。", font_size); Psychlops::Widgets::Button startbutton("始める", 60); Psychlops::Widgets::Button endbutton("実験を終わる", 60); Psychlops::Widgets::Button rightbutton("少し伸ばす", 40); rightbutton.area.set(140, 70); Psychlops::Widgets::Button leftbutton("少し縮める", 40); leftbutton.area.set(140, 70); Psychlops::Widgets::Button rightbutton2("伸ばす", 40); rightbutton2.area.set(140, 100); Psychlops::Widgets::Button leftbutton2("縮める", 40); leftbutton2.area.set(140, 100); Psychlops::Widgets::Button setbutton("決める", 60); setbutton.area.set(240, 100); Psychlops::Widgets::Button downloadbutton("結果ファイルをダウンロードする", 60); Psychlops::Letters L001, L002; L001.str = "試行終了/"; L002.str = "試行"; // Offline Movie calculation using Image array around here double trial_angle[256]; double trial_length[256]; int trial_number[256]; double trial_time[256]; ///- 2 Initialization ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///+ 3 Drawing ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// 3 Drawing ///training double lineH = 2; double main_lineW = 240; //Lleft double main_lineW2 = 240;//Lright double ll; double angle; double stimY = -60; ll = main_lineW * 0.25; // Length of slantline: 80 pixel int anglecondnum = 5; double anglecond[5]; anglecond[0] = 30; anglecond[1] = 60; anglecond[2] = 90; anglecond[3] = 120; anglecond[4] = 150; int lengthcondnum = 2; double series_cond[2]; series_cond[0] = -1; //upper series series_cond[1] = 1; //lower series int repetition = 1; int totaltrialnum = anglecondnum * lengthcondnum*repetition * 2; int trialseed[1024]; for (int i = 0; i < totaltrialnum; i++) { trialseed[i] = i; } int a; int tmp; for (int i = 1; i < totaltrialnum; i++) { a = Psychlops.random(i + 1); tmp = trialseed[i]; trialseed[i] = trialseed[a]; trialseed[a] = tmp; } Psychlops::Rectangle main_lineL(main_lineW, lineH); main_lineL.centering().shift(-main_lineW * 0.5, stimY); Psychlops::Rectangle main_lineR(main_lineW2, lineH); main_lineR.centering().shift(main_lineW2*0.5, stimY); Psychlops::Color mainlinecol(0, 0, 0, 1); Psychlops::Color mainlinecol2(0, 0, 0, 1); Psychlops::Color textcol(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0); Psychlops::Color testpalett[4]; testpalett[0].set(1, 0, 0, 0.05); testpalett[1].set(0, 1, 0, 0.05); testpalett[2].set(0, 0, 1, 0.05); testpalett[3].set(0, 0, 0, 0.05); Psychlops::Ellipse slantorg(lineH, lineH); //TRAININGS--------------------------------------------------- while (!startbutton.pushed()) { cnvs.clear(Color::white); //Interactions if (rightbutton.pushed() && main_lineW2 < main_lineW*1.505) { main_lineW2 += lineH * 0.5; } if (leftbutton.pushed() && main_lineW2 > main_lineW*0.495) { main_lineW2 -= lineH * 0.5; } if (rightbutton2.pushed() && main_lineW2 < main_lineW*1.505) { main_lineW2 += lineH * 5; } if (leftbutton2.pushed() && main_lineW2 > main_lineW*0.495) { main_lineW2 -= lineH * 5; } main_lineR.resize(main_lineW2, lineH); main_lineR.centering().shift(main_lineW2*0.5, stimY); //Interactions //Stimulus drawing for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { angle = 90 * PI / 180; for (double l = 0; l < ll; l++) { slantorg.centering(main_lineL.getLeft() + l * cos(angle) + lineH * 0.5, main_lineL.getCenter().y - l * sin(angle)).draw(testpalett[i]); slantorg.centering(main_lineL.getLeft() + l * cos(angle) + lineH * 0.5, main_lineL.getCenter().y + l * sin(angle)).draw(testpalett[i]); slantorg.centering(main_lineL.getRight() + l * cos(PI - angle) + lineH * 0.5, main_lineL.getCenter().y - l * sin(PI - angle)).draw(testpalett[i]); slantorg.centering(main_lineL.getRight() + l * cos(PI - angle) + lineH * 0.5, main_lineL.getCenter().y + l * sin(PI - angle)).draw(testpalett[i]); slantorg.centering(main_lineR.getRight() + l * cos(angle) + lineH * 0.5, main_lineL.getCenter().y - l * sin(angle)).draw(testpalett[i]); slantorg.centering(main_lineR.getRight() + l * cos(angle) + lineH * 0.5, main_lineL.getCenter().y + l * sin(angle)).draw(testpalett[i]); } } main_lineL.draw(mainlinecol); main_lineR.draw(mainlinecol2); //Stimulus drawing //Interface drawing rightbutton.centering(cnvsW*0.5 + 120, cnvsH*0.5 + 120).draw(); leftbutton.centering(cnvsW*0.5 - 120, cnvsH*0.5 + 120).draw(); rightbutton2.centering(cnvsW*0.5 + 300, cnvsH*0.5 + 120).draw(); leftbutton2.centering(cnvsW*0.5 - 300, cnvsH*0.5 + 120).draw(); startbutton.centering(cnvsW*0.5, cnvsH*0.5 + 250).draw(); L01.centering(cnvsW*0.5, cnvsH*0.5 + stimY - 200).draw(textcol); L02.centering(cnvsW*0.5, cnvsH*0.5 + stimY - 160).draw(textcol); L04.centering(cnvsW*0.5, cnvsH*0.5 + stimY - 120).draw(textcol); //Interface drawing cnvs.flip(); CANVAS_FRAMENUM++; } //MAIN TRIALS-------------------------------------------------------- stimY -= 60; main_lineL.centering().shift(-main_lineW * 0.5, stimY); int trialnum = 0; int trialkey; int itemp; double dtemp; double results[5][128]; while (trialnum < totaltrialnum) { trialkey = trialseed[trialnum]; //trial_number[trialnum]= trialnum; results[0][trialnum] = trialnum + 1; itemp = trialkey % anglecondnum; angle = anglecond[itemp] * PI / 180; results[1][trialnum] = anglecond[itemp]; itemp = floor(trialkey / anglecondnum) % lengthcondnum; main_lineW2 = main_lineW + series_cond[itemp] * main_lineW * (random(0.2)+0.3); results[2][trialnum] = main_lineW2; if (series_cond[itemp] > 0)main_lineW2 = main_lineW2 - 0.0*random(0.5); else main_lineW2 = main_lineW2 + 0.0*random(0.5); while (!startbutton.pushed()) { cnvs.clear(Color::white); cnvs.var(trialnum, 30, 70); L001.centering(110, 50).draw(Color::gray); cnvs.var(totaltrialnum, 170, 70); L002.centering(230, 50).draw(Color::gray); L03.centering().draw(textcol); startbutton.centering(cnvsW*0.5, cnvsH*0.5 + 250).draw(); cnvs.flip(); } CANVAS_FRAMENUM = 0; while (!setbutton.pushed()) { cnvs.clear(Color::white); //Interactions if (rightbutton.pushed() && main_lineW2 < main_lineW * 2) { main_lineW2 += lineH * 0.5; } if (leftbutton.pushed() && main_lineW2 > main_lineW*0.25) { main_lineW2 -= lineH * 0.5; } if (rightbutton2.pushed() && main_lineW2 < main_lineW * 2) { main_lineW2 += lineH * 5; } if (leftbutton2.pushed() && main_lineW2 > main_lineW*0.25) { main_lineW2 -= lineH * 5; } main_lineR.resize(main_lineW2, lineH); main_lineR.centering().shift(main_lineW2*0.5, stimY); //Interactions //Stimulus drawing for (double l = 0; l < ll; l++) { slantorg.centering(main_lineL.getLeft() + l * cos(angle) + lineH * 0.5, main_lineL.getCenter().y - l * sin(angle)).draw(Color::black); slantorg.centering(main_lineL.getLeft() + l * cos(angle) + lineH * 0.5, main_lineL.getCenter().y + l * sin(angle)).draw(Color::black); slantorg.centering(main_lineL.getRight() + l * cos(PI - angle) + lineH * 0.5, main_lineL.getCenter().y - l * sin(PI - angle)).draw(Color::black); slantorg.centering(main_lineL.getRight() + l * cos(PI - angle) + lineH * 0.5, main_lineL.getCenter().y + l * sin(PI - angle)).draw(Color::black); slantorg.centering(main_lineR.getRight() + l * cos(angle) + lineH * 0.5, main_lineL.getCenter().y - l * sin(angle)).draw(Color::black); slantorg.centering(main_lineR.getRight() + l * cos(angle) + lineH * 0.5, main_lineL.getCenter().y + l * sin(angle)).draw(Color::black); } main_lineL.draw(mainlinecol); main_lineR.draw(mainlinecol2); //Stimulus drawing //Interface drawing rightbutton.centering(cnvsW*0.5 + 120, cnvsH*0.5 + 120).draw(); leftbutton.centering(cnvsW*0.5 - 120, cnvsH*0.5 + 120).draw(); rightbutton2.centering(cnvsW*0.5 + 300, cnvsH*0.5 + 120).draw(); leftbutton2.centering(cnvsW*0.5 - 300, cnvsH*0.5 + 120).draw(); setbutton.centering(cnvsW*0.5, cnvsH*0.5 + 250).draw(); //Interface drawing cnvs.flip(); CANVAS_FRAMENUM++; results[3][trialnum] = main_lineW2; } results[4][trialnum] = Math.round(CANVAS_FRAMENUM / CANVAS_REFRESHRATE * 1000); //in msec trialnum++; } //MAIN TRIALS-------------------------------------------------------- //Results-------------------------------------------------------- double average[5], aveflag[5]; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { average[i] = 0; aveflag[i] = 0; } for (int j = 0; j < totaltrialnum; j++) { switch (results[1][j]) { case 30: average[0] = average[0] + results[3][j]; aveflag[0] = aveflag[0] + 1; break; case 60: average[1] = average[1] + results[3][j]; aveflag[1] = aveflag[1] + 1; break; case 90: average[2] = average[2] + results[3][j]; aveflag[2] = aveflag[2] + 1; break; case 120: average[3] = average[3] + results[3][j]; aveflag[3] = aveflag[3] + 1; break; case 150: average[4] = average[4] + results[3][j]; aveflag[4] = aveflag[4] + 1; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { average[i] = average[i] / aveflag[i]; } cnvs.clear(Color::white); cnvs.flip(); double tableW = 180; Psychlops.File.saveToLocalFile = false; Data::savearray("ML_%TIME_.txt", "Trial,Angle,Series,PSE,RT_Msec", totaltrialnum, results[0], results[1], results[2], results[3], results[4]); Psychlops.File.saveToIndexDB = true; Psychlops.File.saveToLocalFile = true; while (!endbutton.pushed()) { cnvs.clear(Color::white); //Stimulus drawing //cnvs.msg("Trial", 200+0*tableW/(5-0), 80, Color::blue); //cnvs.msg("Angle", 200+1*tableW/(5-1), 80, Color::blue); //cnvs.msg("Series", 200+2*tableW/(5-2), 80, Color::blue); //cnvs.msg("PSE", 200+3*tableW/(5-3), 80, Color::blue); //cnvs.msg("RT_Msec", 100+3*tableW/(5-4), 80, Color::blue); //for(int j=0; j
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