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class Psychlops::Rectangle


Typically, a rectangle is designate its size by set and move to relative coordinate to center of window by centering and shift functions.

Typical usage:

Psychlops::Rectangle rect;
rect.set(100, 100).centering().shift(-100, 0);



By decralation

set the rectangle’s size as 0 * 0.
Rectangle(double left, double top, double right, double bottom)
Rectangle(double width, double height)
set the rectangle’s size as width * height. Left-Top corner is placed on (0,0).

By function

Rectangle& set(double left, double top, double right, double bottom)
Rectangle& set(double width, double height)
set the rectangle’s size as width * height. Left-Top corner is placed on (0,0).
Rectangle& resize(double width, double height)
resize the rectangle’s size as width * height. Center of the rectangle will be kept.


Rectangle& centering()
place the rectangle at center of the window.
Rectangle& centering(double x, double y)
Rectangle& centering(Point new_center)
place the rectangle centered at (x,y) or (new_center.x, new_center.y). Typically, the function is used with getCenter() as rect.centering(image.getCenter()).
Rectangle& shift(double h, double v)
move the rectangle by (h, v).

Getting parameters


void draw(color)
draw the ellipse with designated Color;

Checking inclusion

These functions check whether the Rectangle instance includes other points in its area. The Rectangle instance is treated as closed set (= returns true if the point on the boundary line).

bool include(double x, double y)
bool include(Point other)